Dress Code

Dress Code


We sell youth tap shoes, youth and adult ballet shoes, youth and adult leotards and tights as well as miscellaneous other dance items at our studio shop.  Our studio shop is open during in-studio registration hours.


In-Studio Registration & Shoe/Merchandise Sales:                                                             

Tuesdays 8/6, 8/13, 8/20 8/27 & 9/3 5:00-7:00 pm.

Monday-Thursday 8/19-8/22 5:30-7:15 pm.


 We recommend labeling all shoes and water bottles!

Street shoes are not allowed on our dance floors.


Our dress code does not apply to our adult students.  Adults may dress in comfortable clothing.  No street shoes are allowed on our dance floors. Non-marking dances shoes/sneakers only.



Dance With Me and Young Preschool

Dancers should wear a leotard and tights or leggings and a t-shirt and leather or canvas ballet shoes. Long hair should be pulled back.


Preschool Combination

Girls should have a leotard and tights. Skirts, legwarmers and sweaters are optional. Girls need black Mary-Jane style tap shoes and pink ballet shoes. We recommend and sell a Mary-Jane style tap shoe with a quality tap and a quick velcro closure. Boys should wear white t-shirts and black shorts or dance tights and black tap and black ballet shoes. Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.




Combination 1 & 2  Classes

Girls should have a leotard and tights. Skirts, legwarmers and sweaters are optional. Girls need black Mary-Jane style tap shoes and pink ballet shoes. We recommend and sell a Mary-Jane style tap shoe with a quality tap and a quick velcro closure. Boys should wear white t-shirts and black shorts or dance tights and black tap and black ballet shoes. Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.



Combination 3 Classes Tap/Ballet/Jazz 

Girls should have a leotard and tights. Skirts, legwarmers and sweaters are optional. Girls need black Mary-Jane style tap shoes and pink ballet shoes. We recommend and sell a Mary-Jane style tap shoe with a quality tap and a quick velcro closure. Boys should wear white t-shirts and black shorts or dance tights and black tap and black ballet shoes. Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.

Students taking ballet 1, jazz 1 and/or tap 1 as part of the 2 for 1 Level 1 option  should follow the dress codes for level 1 classes in chosen disciplines.




Beginner Ballet & Ballet Levels 1 & 2 Female students should wear solid color leotards, pink tights and slippers. Any skirts should be attached to leotard when possible and extend no longer than bottom of their derriere. Leg warmers and fitted “shrug” sweaters are optional.  Hair is to be secured neatly in a bun. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.




Ballet Level 3-Level 7 Female Students

Please see below for specific dress code requirements for the ballet level 3-7 classes.  Leotards and skirts should be solid in color; no stripes, polka dots, lace or other patterns please.

Ballet Level 3 – 4 Female students should wear a solid color black camisole leotard, black wrap skirt, pink tights and pink ballet slippers.  Hair is to be secured neatly in a bun. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry. Black leg warmers and “shrug” sweaters/fitted warmups are optional. Dance shorts may be worn at the discretion of the teacher in certain circumstances. Individual teachers will let dancers know when other dress options, etc. are appropriate.
Ballet Level 5, 6 & 7 Female students should wear a solid color black camisole leotard & black wrap skirt, pink tights and pink ballet slippers. Dancers should also have a white camisole leotard and white wrap skirt.  Hair is to be secured neatly in a bun. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry. Black leg warmers and “shrug” sweaters/fitted warmups are optional. Dance shorts may be worn at the discretion of the teacher in certain circumstances. Individual teachers will let dancers know when other dress options, etc. are appropriate.


All Male Ballet Students beginner through level 7 should wear black dance tights or tight black “boy shorts,” a tight white t-shirt no longer than the top of hips (or tucked in), black socks and black ballet shoes OR white socks and white ballet shoes. Male dancers in levels 3-7 should wear a dance belt.





Please wear comfortable clothing and non-marking indoor shoes; no street shoes allowed on dance floors.





Students should wear a solid color leotard and solid color bottoms such as leggings or jazz shorts. All dancers should have flesh tone ballet slippers. Males should wear black dance tights and a t-shirt. Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.



Hip Hop

Students should wear comfortable clothing that allows them full range of movement.  Jeans and street shoes are not allowed.  Non-marking indoor sneakers, dance sneakers or dance boots may be worn for class. Dancers will need solid black non-marking indoor sneakers for performances (black soles, solid black uppers, black laces, etc.). Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.


Students should wear a leotard and tights or tops and solid color bottoms above the knee. Leggings are also acceptable. Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.

Youth Beginner/Continuing Beginner Irish students will need black soft shoes; these can be black ballet shoes, black jazz shoes or traditional black ghillies.

Youth Intermediate Irish will need black soft shoes & black hard shoes.  These can be black ballet shoes, black jazz shoes or traditional black ghillies & black tap shoes or black hard shoes/jig shoes.

Irish 5/6 & Adult Irish students will need traditional black ghillies & black hard shoes/jig shoes.



Students should wear a leotard and tights or a top and bottoms at or above the ankle such as leggings, jazz shorts or jazz pants. Jazz students need black jazz shoes. Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.



Students should wear a solid color leotard and bare feet. Students need long sleeves and long pants at each class.



Students should wear a leotard and tights or a top and bottoms at or above the ankle such as leggings, jazz shorts or jazz pants. Tap students will need black tap shoes. Female tap 1-3A students will need black Mary-Jane style shoes. We recommend and sell a Mary-Jane style tap shoe with a quality tap and a quick velcro closure.  Boys and Tap 4 and higher will need black oxford style taps.  Jr Line tap dancers will need “Show-Tapper” style heels by January.  Please check with the studio or your teacher regarding the style for your particular class. Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. Small stud earrings only may be worn for jewelry.





Students should wear a leotard, no tights.  Leggings or dance shorts are optional.  Students will wear bare feet or gymnastic shoes.  Please make sure hands and feet are clean.  Hair should be secured out of face; long hair should be pulled back. No jewelry.